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Results of the Placement of Treasury Bills in US Dollars bearing a 77 and 168-day maturities and of Treasury Bonds in Pesos bearing a 2.5% CER coefficient maturing in 2021 (BONCER 2021)

The Ministry of Finances informs the placement of the public auction of Treasury Bills in US Dollars bearing a 77 and 168-day maturities that took place today and the placement of Treasury Bonds in Pesos bearing a 2.5% Reference Stabilization Coefficient or “CER” maturing in 2021 (BONCER 2021).

For the Treasury Bills auction, the total amount of the orders received for both types of securities reached nominal value USD 2.23 billion; distributed in USD 1.783 billion for the 77-day Bill and USD 447 million for the 168-day Bill. 7,686 purchase orders were filed.

Due to the fact that the amount offered for the 77-day Bill exceeded the total amount to be placed, in order to make the placement an 84.14% rate was applied, so the total amount awarded for both Bills was of USD 1.947 billion; USD 1.5 billion correspond to the 77-day Bills and USD 447 million to the 168-day Bills. The settlement of said Bills will be conducted on Monday January 30, when USD 1.3 billion of the US Dollar-denominated Treasury Bills Program is due, thus the net increase of the program will be of USD 647 million.

Like it was previously announced, the cut-off price of this issue was USD 993.71 for every face value of USD 1,000 for the bill of the shorter maturity, which represents an annual nominal rate of 3%; and of USD 985.04 for every face value of USD 1,000 for the 168-day Bill, , which represents an annual nominal rate of 3.3% .

Regarding Treasury Bonds bearing a Reference Stabilization Coefficient or “CER” (BONCER), purchase orders were filed for a nominal value of $12.972 billion, $11.741 billion out of which were awarded, at a cut-off price of $1,127.5 for every face value of $1,000. In this case, 151 purchase orders were filed at a maximum price of $1,186, a minimum price of $1,030, and a weighted average of $1,128.78, all of them for every $1,000, nominal value. The amount in filed offers includes a nominal value of $473 million from the non-competitive stage.